
Preparing Python Environment

CloudTik requires a Python environment on Linux. We recommend using Conda to manage Python environments and packages.

If you don’t have Conda installed, please refer to dev/ to install Conda on Linux.

git clone && cd cloudtik
bash dev/

Once Conda is installed, create an environment with a specific Python version as below. CloudTik currently supports Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9. Here we take Python 3.7 as an example.

conda create -n cloudtik -y python=3.7
conda activate cloudtik

Installing CloudTik from Daily Releases

You can install the latest CloudTik wheels via the following links. These daily releases do not go through the full release process. To install these wheels, use the following pip command and wheels on different Cloud providers:

Linux Installation
Python 3.9 pip install -U "cloudtik[aws] @"
Python 3.8 pip install -U "cloudtik[aws] @"
Python 3.7 pip install -U "cloudtik[aws] @"

Replace cloudtik[aws] with clouditk[azure] or cloudtik[gcp] if you want to create clusters on Azure or GCP. Use cloudtik[all] if you want to manage clusters with all supported Cloud providers.

Building CloudTik from Source and Installing

Building CloudTik on Linux

After created a Python environment as above, you can build wheel for CloudTik on Linux.

Run the following command to start the building CloudTik with provided scripts.

git clone && cd cloudtik

You will find the *.whl under ./python/dist directory, which is your current Python version’s CloudTik wheel for Linux.

Installing CloudTik

Install your built wheel above.

pip install ./python/dist/<your-built-wheel>.whl 

If you want to install the built CloudTik above into the clusters to be created when running cloudtik start /path/to/<your-cluster-configuration>.yaml, you need to upload the wheel to cloud or servers where can be visited via Internet.

Add cloudtik_wheel_url to your cluster config yaml file as below.

workspace_name: ...

cluster_name: ...

cloudtik_wheel_url: "</link/to/cloudtik-*>.whl"